ICC Decision re: Northern Pacific Construction of branch, Mesato
to Mattawa, Washington 1967
Classification Yards, 1956
A.C. Kalmbach, "Tomorrow's Railroad Today: How
the Milwaukee has Eliminated All Intermediate Slowdowns on an
Important High Speed Line, Trains, February, 1944
Joseph C. O'Hearn, "The Winter of '36: Division superintendent relates how the Milwaukee Road fought
heavy snows in subzero cold," Trains, December, 1944
Railway Age, "Richland Creek Bridge,"
January 28, 1938. An advertisement for a 1907 Milwaukee Road
concrete arch bridge
Letter, Darling to Donnelly 08/03/1928 Proposed NP Cascade
Letter, Donnelly to Pearson 01/25/1926 Westbound Panama Canal
Traffic on on NP down, losses to SP&S
Pearson to Elliott 11/23/1925 NP New Cascade Tunnel
Harold Crary, "Seattle, Port City,"
American Industries, November, 1922
"President Byram Discusses St. Paul
Situation," The Magazine of Wall Street, July, 1922
"Industrial Expansion and the Railroads,"
The Magazine of Wall Street, July, 1922
"Co-operative Switching of
Joint Tracks Succeeds at Seattle," Railway Age, May 20,
"C.M. & St. P Deficit After Charges
$11,070,609," Railway Age, May 13, 1922
"St. Paul May Disregard Cancellation Order,"
Traffic World, March 11, 1922
"Railroad Steamship Contracts, MILW and GN
Ordered to Cancel," Traffic World, March 4, 1922
"Tacoma Chamber of Commerce Protests MILW GN
Contract Termination," Traffic World, February 25, 1922
"Railroad Steamship Contracts,"
World, February 4, 1922, MILW and GN Negotiations with
Shipping Board
"Railroad Steamship Contracts,"
World, January 7, 1922. MILW and GN not cancelling.
"General Rate Inquiry, Byram Testifies,"
Traffic World, January 21, 1922
"The Railroad- Steamship Contracts,"
World, December 10, 1921, MILW and GN unwilling to give
up contracts.
"Hearings on Railroad Steamship Contracts,"
Traffic World, December 10, 1921
"The Railroads and Steamship Contracts,"
Traffic World, November 28, 1921. Tonnage of Milwaukee
and GN through their respective contracts
"Railroad Steamship Contracts,"
World, November 12, 1921. Language of Milwaukee
The New York Times,
"Rate Cuts
Resulting from Panama Canal," November 23, 1921.
The Pacific Review,
"Impressions of a Hobo," September, 1921.
"1920-21 Pacific International Trade Year Book,"
Japanese Chamber of Commerce, November, 1920, Tonnage figures for
Port of Seattle
Howard Elliott to Charles Donnelly, St. Paul and Union Pacific
Competition, 12/11/1920
"Summary of Congressional Investigation into
Aircraft Expenditures," Aerial Age, March 1, 1920, etc.
Port Angeles Spruce Railroad.
Robert Bridges, "Efforts of the Port District of
the Port of Seattle to Own and Operate a Port Belt Line,'
Annals of the American Academy of Political Science,
November, 1919
Railroad Problem -- special issue," Annals of the
American Academy of Political Science, November, 1919
"John D. Ryan before Congressional Investigating
Committee," Aerial Age, November 10, 1919
"Transcript of Hearings," Spruce Railroad and
Milwaukee involvement, U.S. House of Representatives, August 19,
"Cost of Airplane Spruce Production,"
American Lumberman, August 9, 1919
"Milwaukee Land Company, Vast Lands in North
Idaho," American Lumberman, August 9, 1919
"Sale of US Spruce Corporation Mills and Lake
Crescent RR," American Lumberman, July 5, 1919
Joint Construction
Agreement with Montana Eastern Railroad (GN) April 1, 1919
Railway Age, "The Northern Pacific and
the St. Paul," September 6, 1918
Corporate History of the
Milwaukee Road, 1918
"Mr. Charles Allen Goodnow," Electric
Traction, August, 1918
"Future Development of Seattle Harbor and Rail
Facilities," Pacific Marine Review, July, 1918
"What the Tacomans Are Doing -- OSK at the
Milwaukee Dock," Pacific Marine Review, July, 1918
Report for 1917,
Standard Corporation Service, 1917 -- deny reports of
purchase of British Columbia Electric Ry, effects of IWW
"Concreting Plant for Rosalia Bridge
Construction," Engineering and Contracting, November
22, 1916
"Construction of Two Concrete Arch Bridges
at Rosalia, Washington," Railway Review, November 11,
E.E.R. Tratman, "Don J. Whittemore's Services to
Engineering," Engineering News, July 27, 1916
"Proposal to Create a Shipping Board,"
Congressional Serial Set, July, 1916, St. Paul and NP info
at p. 43
Rosalia Bridge Construction,
American Railway Bridge and
Building Association, Proceedings
Larry Neal, "Investment Behavior by American
Railroads: 1897-1914," The Review of
Economics and Statistics, Vol. 51, No. 2 (May, 1969),
pp. 126-135.
1914 ICC Accounting Investigation:
Ernest Ritson Dewsnup, "Recent
Financial Investigations by the Interstate Commerce Commission,"
Annals of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science, Vol. 63, National Industries and the
Federal Government (Jan., 1916), pp. 199-213
"The Snoqualmie Tunnel," International
Engineering Congress, 1915
"Modern Methods of Railway Tunnel
Construction," Railway Review, October 30, 1915
"The Wisdom of the
Puget Sound Extension," Railway Age, October 10, 1915
Various Construction Projects, CM&StP,
Railway Age,
October 1, 1915
"Shipments out of Puget Sound," The
Timberman, September, 1915
ABS Signals
Installed, Railway Age, August 6, 1915
NP Ventilates Stampede Tunnel,
Railway Age, August 6,
"Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,"
Financial World, July 3, 1915. May have to reduce dividend.
The Electrical News, "Connections to
BCE in British Columbia by Milwaukee," May 15, 1916
"Lining Tunnels on the New Lewistown -- Great Falls Line of the
CM&St.P.," Railway Age, May 7, 1915
"The Snoqualmie Tunnel," Railway Engineering
and Maintenance of Way, May, 1915
Line from Lewistown, Mont. to Great Falls," Railway Age, April
2, 1915
"The Snoqualmie Tunnel, CM&St.P,"
Engineering News, February 18, 1915
"Lining the Snoqualmie Tunnel," Railway Age,
January 22, 1915
"St. Paul and
Oregon-Washington Joint Terminals in Spokane,"
Railway Age,
January 15, 1915
"St. Paul's Borrowing," Commercial West,
December 5, 1914
"Piercing the Cascades," Travel,
December 1914
"Milwaukee Land Co installs Electric Light
Plants for Geraldine, other Northern Montana Towns,"
Commercial West, October 14, 1914
Articles of Incorporation, Great Falls Western Railway, July 25,
"ICC Accounting Opinion," Commercial West,
March 21, 1914
New York Times, "Feeder
for the St. Paul Road," March 12, 1914 -- Purchase of the Bellingham
Bay & British Columbia Ry.
"St. Paul May Ask for a Rehearing,"
Chicago Tribune, March 12, 1914
"St. Paul Found Falsifier by Commerce
Board," Chicago Tribune, March 7, 1914
"Statistics of Railways of the United States,"
Interstate Commerce Commission, 1914
Statistics of the Railways of the
United States, through June
30, 1913. Government Printing Office
"Pacific Northwest News," Commercial West,
November 8, 1913 -- UP has "running rights" on Milwaukee
into Seattle
"Tug "Milwaukee" Built For Milwaukee Terminal
Railway Co.," Pacific Marine Review, November, 1913
"Eastern Montana Notes," Commercial
West, November 1, 1913
"Montana is Prosperous, John D. Ryan Comments,"
Commercial West, September 27, 1913
"Pacific Northwest Notes, No Foreign Traffic at
Portland," Commercial West, September 27, 1913
"Puget Sound Bonds, Dollar for Dollar, Represent
the Cost of the Pacific Extension," Commercial West,
September 27, 1913
"Inland Empire Notes," The Commercial
West, September 6, 1913 -- freight rate changes benefit
"Montana-Seattle Grain Rates Reduced,"
The Commercial West, August 9, 1913
Lewistown Line
Construction, The Railway and Engineering Review, July 19, 1913
Decree of
Dissolution of CM&StP of Montana, July 3, 1913
Statistics of Railways of the United
States, ending June 30, 1913. USGPO
Lewistown Line
Construction, The Railway and Engineering
Review, June 28, 1913
Engineering & Contracting, "Surveys from Moses Lake to Bellingham," June
4, 1913
"Steamship Company Affiliations on the Pacific
Coast," US Senate Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries,
June, 1913
Engineering & Contracting, "Some
Features of Double Track Railroad Construction on the CM&St.P.,"
June 4, 1913
Roswell Miller Obituary, Railway World,
February, 1913
"Transcontinental Railroad Steamship Contracts,"
Proceedings of the Committee on the Merchant Marine,
"The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul,"
Analyses of Railroad Corporations Whose Bonds are Legal
Investments for Massachusetts Savings Banks, by Old Colony
Trust Company, 1913
New York Times, "To
Merge Puget Sound Road," December 20, 1912.
"Trans-Pacific Service," Pacific Marine
Review, December, 1912, Relationship of Osaka Shosen
Kaishen with St. Paul RR
"Big Swings in the St. Paul," Financial
World, November 23, 1912
"Northern Pacific Annual Report," Pacific
Marine Review, November, 1912. Effects of Milwaukee
competition; North Coast Limited to be operated over CNW into
"11,842 Foot Tunnel
Through the Cascade Mountains in Washington," Railway
Employes' Magazine, November, 1912
"Chicago-Milwaukee & St Paul -- Deficit
Reduction," Pacific Marine Review, October, 1912
"Earnings of the C,M & St. P Railway,"
Pacific Marine Review, September, 1912
W.F. Bartholomew, "St. Paul: It's Potentialities
and Outlook," Investments, August, 1912
"Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail Mill,'
Railway Age, June 21, 1912
"Contracts Let for Lewistown Line Project,"
Engineering and Contracting, June 5, 1912
"Advertisement for Osaka Shosen Kaishen Shipping
Lines," St. Paul's Steamship Co, Pacific Marine Review,
June, 1912
"Earling Visit to Seattle, Snoqualmie Tunnel
Work to Resume," Railway Employes Magazine, June, 1912
Articles of Incorporation, Great Falls Terminal Railway Co., April
18, 1912
"Three Forks to Radersburg Line to Start, JQ
Adams Interested," Engineering and Contracting, March
20, 1912
"Surveys Begin from Three Forks to Helena,"
Engineering and Contracting, February 14, 1912
"Tale of $1,000,000 Graft in St. Paul Branded as False,"
Chicago Tribune, February 8, 1912
"Joint Milwaukee GN Line East of Lewistown,
Montana," Engineering and Contracting, January 10, 1912
W.H. Ailport, "Hospital Relief Associations,"
Illinois Medical Journal, January, 1912
Jere Murphy, "The Comical History of Montana,"
(New York, 1912).
Railway Locomotive & Engineering, "From
Lake Michigan to Puget Sound," November, 1911
J.H. Prior, "Design of Bridge Abutments,"
Railway Age, October 27, 1911
Railway Age, "Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul," October 13, 1911
"Mystery Surveyors in Libby, Sun River,
Rumors of NP/MILW consolidation," Great Falls Tribune,
June 27, 1911
United States vs.
Union Pacific RR Co., June 24,
1911, 188 F. Rep. 102
"Hill Announces Big Money Deal,"
May 31, 1911, $600
million combined GN/CBQ mortgage
"NP and Milwaukee Support Seattle, Great
Northern Does Not," Freight: the Shipper's Forum, May,
K.C. Weedin, "Methods and Some Costs of
Construction of the St. Paul Pass Tunnel," Engineering &
Contracting, April 5, 1911
"Exhibit Car on the NP," Railway Journal,
March, 1911
New York Times,
"Puget Sound Pays Dividend," February 25, 1911
"Exhibit Cars on the CM &
Puget Sound," Railway Journal, February, 1911
"Report of the Bureau of Agriculture, Labor and
Industry of the State of Montana," 1908, 1909, 1910 -- notes on
railroad contributions, Milwaukee line up the Swan River, Deer
Lodge bought the property for the Milwaukee shops and gave it to
the railroad
Delos Wilcox, Municipal Franchises, II,
(New York: Engineering News Publishing Company, 1911). Milwaukee
Road's Seattle Municipal Franchise terms.
G.W. Ogden, "A World Afire: Heroes In the
Burning of the Northwestern Forests," Everybody's Magazine,
December, 1910
"Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Paid for Pacific
Extension out of its Own Pocket," The Ticker and Investment
Digest, October, 1910
Engineering News, "The Design and
Erection of the Missouri River Bridge for the Pacific Extension;
C.M.&St.P. Ry," August 25, 1910
MoBridge -- Railway Age Article, June 10, 1910
Industrial Progress, "Our Oriental
Trade," April, 1910. Falloff in 1905-1909
William Thorton Prosser, "A New Transcontinental
Railway," Pacific Monthly, February, 1910
New York Times, "St.
Paul Earnings," January 7, 1910.
The Timberman, "Milwaukee Land Company
Holdings in Couer d'Alene District, and Use of Oil on
Locomotives," January, 1910
"Financial Report,
CM&StP," The Standard Financial Quarterly, 1910, 1:1.
"The Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget
Sound road has done more in the past two years in the way of
bringing actual settlers to Montana than has been accomplished
in the past 25 years."
New York Times, "Puget Sound Paying its
Way," December 9, 1909.
The Journal of the American Asiasiatic
Association, "Reply to Communication of Howard Ayers,"
December, 1909. "Reopening of our ports to Asiatic trade; now
open to CP and CM&StP at Seattle and Tacoma; others will likely
soon follow."
The National Builder, "Design of a Log
Railway Station, CM&St.P Ry," December, 1909 -- the Musselshell,
Montana Depot
The Railway Conductor, "Record
Breaker," December, 1909 -- Silk and Salmon Train run
Henry Hyde, "The War With the Mountains,"
The Technical World Magazine, December, 1909
"New Japanese Liners and the St. Paul," The
American Marine Engineer, December, 1909
"St. Paul Purchases Terminal Property in
Winnipeg, also, owns rail line at Bridger," Engineering and
Contracting, November 24, 1909
"St. Paul Purchases Terminal Property in North
Portland, Reaches Agreement with NP for rights from Tacoma to
Portland," Engineering and Contracting, November 24,
"Freight Train in Fast Run Between Tacoma
and Chicago," Chicago Tribune, November 5, 1909
New York Times,
"No Puget Sound Reports," October 4, 1909.
"A Remarkable Piece of Railway Construction,"
American Industry, September 15, 1909
C.M. Keys, "The Battle of the Railroads: the
Meaning of the Milwaukee," World's Work, August, 1909
Elliott Flower, "Opening
Up the Northwest: A record in Railroad Building by the Latest
Line to the Pacific Coast," Putnam's Magazine, July,
"The Pacific Coast Extension of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul," Freight: The Shipper's Forum,
July, 1909
"Coast Extension of the St. Paul Open,"
Railway World, June 25, 1909
"Derrick Cars and Bridge
Erection on the CM&St.P,"
Engineering News, June 24, 1909
"St. Paul Opens Coast Line," Chicago
Tribune, June 17, 1909
"Line Surveys up the
Blackfoot, the Flathead Line," Locomotive Firemen and
Enginemen's Magazine, June, 1909
"Condition of the U.P.," American
Review of Reviews, June, 1909
"Hydraulic Construction of Large
Embankments on the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry,"
Engineering News, May 27, 1909
"New Coal Lines, to Canada and up the St. Maries
River," The Railway World, May 21, 1909
"NP to Shorten Line Between Missoula and Spokane,"
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, May, 1909
William H. Day, "The Story of the Taft Tunnel
Gang," Association Men, April, 1909
"A Last Spike Driven near Missoula,"
Engineering News-Record, April 1, 1909
"Last Spike," Engineering News,
April 1, 1909
"Last Spike Driven at Missoula March 29, 1909,"
New International Encyclopedia, 1915
"Large Wooden Trestles on the CM&St.P,"
Engineering News-Record, March 25, 1909
"Large Wooden Trestles on the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry," Engineering News, March 25,
"Plans to Open Coast Line of St. Paul
System," Chicago Tribune, March 12, 1909
"Milwaukee Company Finishes up Big Bridge
Contract for St. Paul," The Iron Age, March 11, 1909
Scientific American, "The Extension of the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to the Pacific Coast," February 20,
1909, page 151.
"St. Paul Tunnel Completed," Engineering
News-Record, February 18, 1909
to Bore Big Tunnel, Purchases Taft Power Plant from CM&St.P.,"
Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, February,
"St. Paul After Oriental
Traffic; St. Paul Merger Financed," Railway World,
January 15, 1909
"Great Northern Enters Tacoma on NP," Locomotive
Firemen and Enginemen's Magazine, January, 1909
"Work on the Railroads in Montana," -- details
on St. Paul Tunnel, Journal of the Association of
Engineering Societies, January, 1909
Idaho, Washington State Tunnels
Last Spikes
MoBridge -- Record of Construction
Record of PCE
Construction, Complete Record, 1915 Valuation Study
Breakdown by Section:
Valuation Sections 1a-1c
Moreau Branch
Valuation Sections North Dakota, PCE Mainline
New England Branch,
Valuation Sections North Dakota 3 and SD 4
Montana Valuation
Section 1, State line to Harlowton
Montana Valuation Section 2, Harlowton to Lombard
Montana Valuation Section 3, Lombard to Butte
Montana Valuation Section 4, Butte to St. Paul Pass
Montana Valuation Section 5, Harlowton to Lewistown
Montana Valuation Section 6, Grass Range Line
Montana Valuation Section 7, Roy Line
Montana Valuation Section 8, Lewistown to Great Falls
Montana Valuation Section 9, Great Falls to Agawam
Montana Valuation Section 10, Ringling to Dorsey
Idaho Valuation Section 1, Idaho Mainline
Idaho Valuation Section 2, Plummer Jct to
Manito Jct
Idaho Valuation Section 3, St. Maries to Elk
River Branch
Idaho Valuation Section 4, Coeur d'Alene
Idaho Valuation Section 5, Pend 'Oreille
Washington Valuation Section 1, Idaho
State Line to Maple Valley
Washington Valuation Sections 4, 5, 5a,
Maple Valley to Seattle
Washington Valuation Section 7,
Marcellus Branch
Washington Valuation Section 7A, Moses
Lake Branch
Washington Valuation Section 8, Hanford
Washington Valuation Section 9, Everett
Washington Valuation Section 10,
Enumclaw Branch
Washington Valuation Section 11, Grays
Harbor Branch
Construction Record, Big Blackfoot
Construction Record,
Gallatin Valley Railway
Construction Record, Puget Sound
& Willapa Harbor Railway
Construction Record, Milwaukee
Terminal Railway
Construction Record,
Bellingham & Northern Railway
Construction Record, Seattle,
Port Angeles & Western Railway
Construction Record, Tacoma Eastern Railway
Railroad History 1998 (179): 69-87.
Joint Line Talks with NP Dead,
New York
Times, June 26, 1909
"The Milwaukee Hospital Association," The
Railway Surgical Journal, June, 1909
"The News About the Union Pacific," American
Review of Reviews, June, 1909
"The St. Paul Hospital System," The Railway
Surgical Journal, June, 1909
Engineering News, "Hydraulic Construction of Large Embankments on
the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Railway," May 27, 1909
New York Times,
"Harriman Agrees to Railway Truce," December 2, 1908.
"Heavy Bridge Work on CMStP," Railway and
Engineering Review, December 5, 1908
Confidential Letter,
re: Analysis of Milwaukee Road, H.E. Cooper to John D. Rockefeller,
November 6, 1908
"Work of CM&St.P in Seattle and Tacoma, Hospital
in Seattle," Railway Age, October 30, 1908
"Progress on the St. Paul Extension," Railway Age,
October 9, 1908
"Obituary of Elbridge Beckler, Civil Engineer on
PCE," also "Plans to build to Waterville, 120 miles north of
Beverly, Washington," Railway Age, September 4, 1908
William Thorton Prosser, "Railways Divide a New
Kingdom" The Technical World, August, 1908
"GN, Others, to Get Out of Steamship Business,"
The Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Association, August
15, 1908
"The Great Northern," "The Northern Pacific," and
the "Chicago, Burlington & Quincy," Railway Age, November
22, 1907
"The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul," Railway Age,
September 30, 1907
"The Portland and Seattle Railroad,"
Railway Age, September 27, 1907
"Progress on the Western End of the St. Paul's
Pacific Extension," Railway Age, September 20, 1907
"Earling Announces St. Paul to Operate Steamships,"
The American Marine Engineer, September, 1907
Jon Moen, Ellis Tallman,
"The Bank Panic of 1907: The Role of Trust Companies," Journal
of Economic History, 52:3, September, 1992 [password protected,
"Chicago & Northwestern," Railway Age,
August 23, 1907
"Railroad Work in the Lewiston, Idaho Country,"
Railway Age, August 20, 1907
"St. Paul Extension Work, Snoqualmie Tunnel to Begin
Soon," Railway Age, August 16, 1907
"Progress on the Western End of the St. Paul's
Pacific Extension," Railway Age, July 19, 1907
"Missouri River Bridge of the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul at Mobridge, South Dakota," Railway Age,
March 22, 1907
"Dakota Goes Down; Hill Won't Build Any More Liners,"
New York Times, March 8, 1907
Henry Hyde, "A Gray Dreamer," The Technical
World, February, 1907 -- puff piece on Hill
"Tacoma Terminals of the CM&St.P among the largest in USA,"
Sunset Magazine, 1907
Sheldon Bebee, "Putting the Mountains to Work,"
The Technical World, February, 1907 -- Harriman and
"Labor Laws in a Tunnel," Railway Age,
January 11, 1907
"The St. Paul's Coast Extension," Railway Age,
January 4, 1907
"St Paul's Hurried Stock Issue," New
York Times, January 3, 1907
Carl Snyder, "Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul," American Railways as Investments,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Stock Offering," Railway News,
December 22, 1906
"Funds for the St. Paul's Extension," Railway
World, December 21, 1906
"Route of the St. Paul's Coast Extension,"
Railway World, December 14, 1906
"Standard Oil and the Railroads," Railway World,
November 23, 1906
"Railroad Rivalry in the West," Railway World,
October 26, 1906
"Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul,"
Railway News, October 6, 1906. Route of Pacific Extension
"Dropped into the Earth," Fuel Magazine,
October 2, 1906
Amendment to Articles of Incorporation of CM&StP of Montana, August
31, 1906, from "Ravalli County" to "Missoula County."
Paul to Operate Eleven Steamships," The American Marine Engineer,
August, 1906
"Russell Sage Dies," New York Times,
July 23, 1906
"Rumor of Control by Union Pacific,"
Railway News, July 21, 1906
"GN to be Freight Road, NP Passenger,"
Bismarck Daily Tribune, June 19, 1906 NP carries
four times the freight of the GN
Notes on the Agreement between the
Columbia and Puget Sound Ry and the CM& St.P. dated May 21, 1906
"Important Railroad Projects,"
The United States Investor, April 28, 1906
"St. Paul Rumored to Operate Steamships,"
American Marine Engineer, March, 1906
"Great Northern Steel Deal Scuttled by 26
Broadway," New York Times, February 26, 1906
"The Soo Line and the Hill Roads Compared,"
Railway Age, February 22, 1906
H. Roger Grant, "Seeking the Pacific: the
Chicago & Northwestern's Plans to Reach the West Coast,"
Pacific Northwest Quarterly, April, 1990 [copyright,
password protected]
Railway Age, "E.J. Pearson Appointed Chief
Engineer of the Pacific Railway," December 22, 1905
"Darling, Chief Engineer for PCE
Construction Resigns, Goes to NP," New York Times,
December 9, 1905
"The Southern Roads and
the Territory They Serve," Railway Age, December 8,
1905 -- comparison with the St. Paul
Articles of
Incorporation of CM&St.P of Montana, December 16, 1905
"New Pacific Coast Line," New York
Times, December 3, 1905
Railway Age, "Announcement of CM&St.P to
Build West," December 1, 1905
"Extension Formally Authorized," New
York Times, November 29, 1905
Railway Age," Railroad Location in Valleys
or on Ridges," November 22, 1905
Railway Age, "Incorporation of the Pacific
Railroad," to build from Wallula to Tacoma and Seattle, November 10,
"New Roads to the Black Hills,"
York Times, October 15, 1905
"Extension Talk Baseless says Miller,"
New York Times, September 23, 1905
"May Extend to Pacific," New York
Times, September 22, 1905
"Annual Report Comparing
Earnings," Railway Age, September 22, 1905
Railway Age, "Bellingham Bay & British
Columbia Ry to be Acquired by CP," August 25, 1905
Railway Age, "Railway Movements on the Puget Sound," September
16, 1904. Purchases of waterfront land in Tacoma and Seattle,
mean the
prospective entrance of another great railway from the East,
It is thought, the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul
GN Route
The Railway and Engineering Review, "New
C.M.&St.P. Ore Dock at Escanaba, Michigan," March 16, 1901
"St. Paul Buys Terminal Frontage in Seattle,"
The_Railway News, May 28, 1887
"To Limit New Grain Rate," New York
Times, August 24, 1905
"The Industrial
Departments of Railways," Railway Age, July 14, 1905
"John Stevens to Panama
Canal Project; Formerly with GN and CM&St.P.," Railway Age,
July 7, 1905
"The Northern Pacific
Board," Railway Age, May 26, 1905
"Life Stories of Successful Men: F.N.
Underwood," Technical World, May, 1905
"Big Rate War," New York Times,
February 3, 1905
"Northwest Railroads Agreement, St Paul
May Control NP," New York Times, January 15, 1905
"Pacific Line for St Paul," New York
Times, December 2, 1904
"St Paul to Control Northern Pacific,"
New York Times, October 5, 1904
Edward Sherwood Meade,
"Great American Railway Systems: The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul," Railway World, September 24, 1904
"Movements on the Puget
Sound," Railway Age, September 16, 1904
"Directory of Chicago
Banks, Directors, Albert Earling, et.al.," The Economist:
Manual of Investment, May, 1904
"Heavy Stock Purchases Explained," New
York Times, April 3, 1904
"St Paul Gets into the Union Pacific,"
New York Times, March 30, 1904
"Barr to Become Pres of Seaboard, Worked
for Milwaukee," New York Times, December 31, 1903
"St Paul Policy No Truth to Extension
Rumors," New York Times, November 22, 1903
"St. Paul Railway Elections," New York
Times, September 27, 1903
"Miller Comments on Wall Street Panic
Refers to Milwaukee and St Paul," New York Times,
September 26, 1903
"Annual Meeting Interest in Rockefeller
Interests," New York Times, September 16, 1903
"St Paul Affected," New York Times,
September 15, 1903
"Rumored Railroad Change," New York
Times, August 16, 1903
"Bear Rumors Milwaukee Borrowing Money,"
New York Times, July 22, 1903
"St. Paul To Build Own Locomotives,"
New York Times, April 28, 1903
"Enjoins Six Railroads, First Decision
under Elkins Act," New York Times, April 25, 1903
"Control of Great Western," New York
Times, January 28, 1903
"Milwaukee will Shift to Iowa if Tax Law
Passed," New York Times, January 27, 1903
"More Pay for St Paul Employees,"
York Times, December 25, 1902
"The St Paul: A Statistical Study,"
New York Times, December 14, 1902
"St Paul and Union Pacific Traffic
Agreement," New York Times, October 18, 1902
"Pacific Coast Outlet for St Paul over
UP," New York Times, October 14, 1902
"Morgan and JD Rockefeller had a Falling
Out," New York Times, September 30, 1902
"St Paul Elects Directors," New York
Times, September 28, 1902
"The Stalwart St Paul," New York Times,
September 21, 1902
"Stock Prices," New York Times,
September 20, 1902
"Machinists Win," New York Times,
September 14, 1902
"St Paul Annual Report," New York
Times, September 12, 1902
"St Paul's Outlet to the Rocky Mountains,"
New York Times, September 10, 1902
"Gould, Rockefeller Interests,"
York Times, September 7, 1902
"St Paul, Gould Lines Agreement,"
York Times, August 9, 1902
"Freight Handlers Strike," New York
Times, August 8, 1902
"Comparison of the St Paul and CNW,"
New York Times, August 3, 1902
"St Paul's Western Extension,"
York Times, July 11, 1902
"The Milwaukee's Extension," New York
Times, May 31, 1902
"Barr Replaces Goodnow who went to RI,"
New York Times, May 16, 1902
"Goodnow to Rock Island," New York
Times, April 8, 1902
"Railroads Ready for Lean Years,"
York Times, April 6, 1902
"ICC To Enjoin RRs," New York Times,
March 19, 1902
"Combination of St Paul, RI and CNW
Rumored," New York Times, March 9, 1902
"Locomotives Equipped with Electric
Searchlights," New York Times, February 23, 1902
"New Safety Equipment," New York
Times, February 14, 1902
"Chandler in Employ of RR 42 Years, "
New York Times, December 22, 1901
"Western Rate War Possible," New York
Times, December 3, 1901
"The Battle for Control," New York
Times, November 14, 1901
"May Absorb Duluth South Shore and
Atlantic," New York Times, October 12, 1901
"Financial Situation CBQ NP GN," New
York Times, October 1, 1901
"St. Paul Election Held," New York
Times, September 29, 1901
"Market Movement As Goes the St Paul so
Goes the Market," New York Times, September 13, 1901
"VP Roosevelt Travels Over the St Paul,"
New York Times, August 28, 1901
"The St Paul's Montana Line Construction
Expected to Begin at Once," New York Times, August 15,
"Russell Sage Hoodooed by Blue Bottle
Fly," New York Times, July 28, 1901
"Surveyors in Montana," New York Times,
July 12, 1901
"Control of Western Roads ," New York
Times, June 17, 1901
"Northern Pacific Analysis," New York
Times, May 12, 1901
"St Paul and CNW May Jointly Build to
Coast ," New York Times, April 20, 1901
"Deal with JJ Hill is Off," New York
Times, April 16, 1901
"Animals Have a Right to a Warning,
New York Times, April 8, 1901
"Meeting with Owners of Davenport Road,"
New York Times, March 31, 1901
"Underwood Goes to Erie from B and O,"
New York Times, March 28, 1901
"Extension Planned to Helena," New
York Times, March 8, 1901
"Heafford goes to
New RR," New York Times, February 26, 1901
"Hill says No Foundation to St Paul Deal,"
New York Times, February 1, 1901
"Mr Hill Hasn't
Heard of Lease," New York Times, January 12, 1901
"Legal Obstacles to NP GN MILW Tie Up,"
New York Times, January 10, 1901
"Deal between the NP GN and St Paul,"
New York Times, January 10, 1901
"The Financial Situation GN NP St Paul,"
New York Times, January 6, 1901
"Important Changes, Haugan Appointed,"
New York Times, January 2, 1901
"Western Ry Betterment Phenomenal Rise in
St Paul Stock," New York Times, December 31, 1900
"St Paul Railroad Alliance, Hill to be
President," New York Times, December 29, 1900
"Presents to Employees," New York
Times, December 23, 1900
"Mr Earling Will Not Resign," New York
Times, December 19, 1900
"London Stock Ex St Paul Stock in High
Demand," New York Times, November 26, 1900
"St Paul in Western Association," New
York Times, November 3, 1900
"Great Western Road from Milwaukee and
Waukesha," New York Times, October 23, 1900
"New Passenger Agent," New York Times,
October 1, 1900
"Duluth Line Agreement ," New York
Times, September 26, 1900
"NP and St Paul Traffic Agreement on the
Duluth," New York Times, September 20, 1900
"Traffic Agreement with NP for the Duluth
Line," New York Times, June 28, 1900
"Western Rate Committee," New York
Times, June 10, 1900
"Pension Plan Proposed," New York
Times, May 5, 1900
"St Paul May Go West of Missouri," New
York Times, February 11, 1900
"Supreme Court St Paul Wins," New York
Times, January 23, 1900
"Long Term Decline in Rail
Rates Shown by St. Paul," Bulletin of the Association of
Iron and Steel Association, January 22, 1900
"Fifty RRs Meet to Agree to ICC," New
York Times, January 10, 1900
"George Smith's Heir Member of Geddes
Firm," New York Times, November 7, 1899
"Miller Retires, Unexpected," New York
Times, September 24, 1899
"Obituary John Rust, Rwy Builder,"
New York Times, September 13, 1899
"Withdraw from Western Association,"
New York Times, August 24, 1899
"Additions and Improvements to be Made,"
New York Times, May 4, 1899
"St Paul to Offer First Aid Training,"
New York Times, March 25, 1899
"Miller on Western Railway Conditions,"
New York Times, October 2, 1898
"Condition of the St Paul According to
Miller," New York Times, August 26, 1898
"Rate War Between Chicago and Minneapolis,
St Paul takes Initiative," New York Times, August 6,
"Western Rate War," New York Times,
June 13, 1898
"Northwestern, Greatest of All Grangers,"
New York Times, May 30, 1898
"St Paul's Record - Granger Best Known to
Foreign Investors," New York Times, May 23, 1898
"Storms in Three States," New York
Times, May 19, 1898
"Three Railroads Begin Track Elevation,"
New York Times, March 16, 1898
"Rates That Do Not Pay," New York
Times, January 3, 1898
"The St Paul Showing," New York Times,
November 27, 1897
"CMStP Election," New York Times,
September 19, 1897
"What the Facts Are," New York Times,
August 22, 1897
"Trouble Over Rate Cutting," New York
Times, June 15, 1897
"ICC Mad at Milwaukee," New York Times,
May 26, 1897
"Meeting of RRs at Pecks Office in Chicago
to Discuss Supreme Court Case," New York Times, March
27, 1897
"Samuel Spencer, Director of St Paul also
President of Southern Railway," New York Times,
September 17, 1896
"Extension to Marquette," New York
Times, March 3, 1896
"St Paul Traffic Earnings," New York
Times, February 28, 1896
"Direct a Big RR; Van Horne from the
Milwaukee," New York Times, February 14, 1896
"General Grant at the Table," New York
Times, January 10,1896
"St. Paul Earnings," New York Times,
October 3, 1895
"D.J. Whittemore Gets
Honorary Degree," The Electrical Engineer, July 31,
"Obituary John W Cary," New York Times,
March 30, 1895
"Obituary AVH Carpenter," New York
Times, March 11, 1895
"Meeting of NP Directors," New
York Times, October 19, 1894
"Debs Strike
Targeted Beer Lines in Milwaukee, St. Paul and North
Western," Friends Intelligencer and Journal,
September 29, 1894
"Testified They Were Intimidated,"
New York Times, September 8, 1894
"Report of the St Paul," New
York Times, September 8, 1894
"Railroads Affected by Strike,"
New York Times, June 2, 1894
Traffic Association ," New York Times, May
31, 1894
"Acquisition of CMstP by United
Express," New York Times, May 12, 1894
Miller Hopeful; Also BA&P
Completed," New York Times, January 5, 1894
"Stocks Pushed Down St Paul Always a Favorite in
Speculation," New York Times, December 25, 1893
"Sleeping Car Service through to Seattle GN MILW,"
New York Times, September 20, 1893
"St Paul Dividend," New York Times, September
15, 1893
"The St Paul's Floating Debt," New York Times,
September 12, 1893
"Railway Men May Strike," New York Times,
August 27, 1893
"Railroads Reduce Wages," New York Times,
August 2, 1893
"Failure of Mitchell Bank," New York Times,
July 26, 1893
"John Cary's Book on Regulation," New York Times,
June 23, 1893
"In Honor of James J Hill," New York Times,
June 8, 1893
"New RR to Duluth St Paul Behind It," New York Times,
May 25, 1893
"Acquires Control of Denver Terminal Co," New York
Times, February 6, 1893
"Western Railroads Suffer; CP Strongly Condemned,"
New York Times, January 7, 1893
"Anger at the Canadian Pacific," New York Times,
January 7, 1893
"Ticket Broker Problems," New York Times,
August 25, 1892
"Obituary, W.H. Dixon," New York Times, April
21, 1892
"Just Leaked Out," New York Times, April 6,1892
"Fighting the Grand Trunk," New York Times,
March 19, 1892
"Reports of Control by Vanderbilts Discounted by Miller,"
New York Times, February 24, 1892
"Annual Report," New York Times, August 28,
"Suit Against the Pullmans," New York Times,
August 5, 1891
"The St Paul Sues the Pullman Co," New York Times,
August 4, 1891,
"Omaha Bridge War Over," New York Times, July
31, 1891
"Iowa Lands Open to Settlers," New York Times,
June 8, 1891
"The Western Rate Situation," New York Times,
February 7, 1891
"Trying to Fathom Gould," New York Times,
February 4, 1891
"Telegrapher's Strike Announced," New York Times,
January 15, 1891
"Railroad Men Get Demands," New York Times,
January 10, 1891
"Injunction Regarding Omaha Bridge," New York Times,
January 3, 1891
"The Omaha Bridge Dispute," New York Times,
January 1, 1891
"Tripartite Agreement Again," New York Times,
December 31, 1890
"Omaha Bridge Problems," New York Times,
December 30, 1890
Invites Ry Men," New York Times, December 27,
"Agreement to Divide Passenger Traffic," New York
Times, December 5, 1890
"St. Paul To Run Its Own Sleepers," New York Times,
November 11, 1890
"Morgan Inspects the St. Paul," New York Times,
November 4, 1890
"Joint Rates in Iowa," New York Times,
September 21, 1890
"The St Paul Figures," New York Times,
September 18, 1890
"Gross Earnings Report, Miller Angry About Rates,"
New York Times, September 17, 1890
"Earnings Report," New York Times, September
17, 1890
"They May End the War," New York Times, March
8, 1890
"Railroad Management , The Interstate Association,"
New York Times, January 15, 1890
"Raiders Surprised," New York Times, September
12, 1889
"The Alton's Withdrawal, St Paul Treachery," New
York Times, June 17, 1889
"Northwest Complications," New York Times,
April 28, 1889
"Reduction in Wheat Rates," New York Times,
March 11, 1889
"Railroad Salaries Cut, St Paul First to Move," New
York Times, March 9, 1889
"St Paul's Bad Showing," New York Times, March
1, 1889
"Duluth to become an Open Road," New York Times,
January 5, 1889
"First Gun Fired," New York Times, December 8,
"Armour Explains," New York Times, September
18, 1888
"Defying Long Haul, Short Haul Provisions," New York
Times, June 20, 1888
"Losing Part of their Pay: How the St Paul Treated its
Strikers," New York Times, May 28, 1888
"Big Scheme Outlined," New York Times, April
16, 1888
"Prospect Darkening; Violence by Strikers," New York
Times, March 31, 1888
"Favorable Report on the St. Paul," New York Times,
March 30, 1888
"How the Railroads are Carving Each Other Up," New
York Times, February 12, 1888
"Warring Western Roads," New York Times,
February 11, 1888
"Cuts Both Ways," New York Times, February 4,
"Western Rate War," New York Times, February 2,
"UP and St Paul to Make Traffic Agreement," New York
Times, December 6, 1887
"Armour on the St Paul," New York Times,
October 16, 1887
"The St Paul Presidency," New York Times, June
8, 1887
"No Replacement Yet for Mitchell," New York Times,
June 6, 1887
"Trunk Line Agreement," New York Times, May 5,
"Taking the Body Home; Mitchell," New York Times,
April21, 1887
"Loss to the Northwest, Death of Mitchell," New York
Times, April 20, 1887
"Western Railroad Fight," New York Times,
February 24, 1887
"Severe Blizzards," New York Times, February 1,
"The Western Rate War," New York Times, June
13, 1886
"Sale of Bonds, Belmont, Representing Rothschilds,"
New York Times, May 21, 1886
"Telegraphy on an Express Train," New York Times,
March 6, 1886
"Warring Road," New York Times, February 26,
"The St Paul's Retaliation," New York Times,
February 6, 1886
"New Missouri River Passenger Pool," New York Times,
February 3, 1886
"St Paul Withdraws from Pool," New York Times,
January 27, 1886
"The St Paul's New Loan," New York Times,
September 27, 1885
"Buys Milwaukee and Northern to Counter Wisconsin
Central," New York Times, September 4, 1885
"Checking the St Paul, Route to Texas," New York
Times, August 25, 1885
"Extension to Kansas City Announced," New York Times,
August 23, 1885
"Arbitration for Western Rate Association," New York
Times, August 23, 1885
"Line Planned to Kansas City," New York Times,
August 22, 1885
"Annual Meeting, Armour Replaces Deceased Merrill,"
New York Times, June 11, 1885
"St. Paul Announces Changes, Merrill Dead," New York
Times, February 19, 1885
"Merrill Dying," New York Times, February 5,
"St Paul and Wisconsin Central Fight," New York
Times, January 27, 1885
"Mitchell and Merrill in Chicago," New York Times,
January 15, 1885
"The Terms of the Tripartite Agreement," New York
Times, December 22, 1883
"The Iowa Pool at an End," New York Times,
December 12, 1883
"Merrill on Tripartite Agreement," New York Times,
December 10, 1883
"Cutting Loose from the Iowa Pool," New York Times,
December 4, 1883
"Western Railroads Excited," New York Times,
November 16, 1883
" Litigation Decision against St Paul," New York
Times, August 11, 1883
"Railroad Management," New York Times, March
13, 1883
"Annual Report of Earnings for 1882," New York Times,
February 1, 1883
"End of the Railroad War," New York Times,
December 14, 1882
"Conference of Railroad Presidents," New York Times,
December 3, 1882
"The North-Western Railroad War," New York Times,
November 29, 1882
"The Railways at War," New York Times, November 25, 1882
"Rate War on Omaha Rates," New York Times,
November 20, 1882
"Western Rate Assoc Agrees to Discriminate," New
York Times, December 25, 1881
"Chicago and Pacific Litigation," New York Times,
May 29, 1881
"Annual Report," New York Times, April 23, 1881
"Fighting Over a Railroad," New York Times,
April 1, 1881
"Consolidation of St Paul, CNW and NP," New York
Times, March 16, 1881
"Heavy Winter Storms in Midwest," New York Times,
March 4, 1881
"Snow Wind and Rain," New York Times, February
8, 1881
"The St Paul Compact," New York Times, May 17,
"New Railroad Bonds," New York Times, May 13,
"Lease of Chicago and Pacific," New York Times, April
11, 1880
"Control of Southern Minnesota Road," New York
Times, March 22, 1880
"Control of Chicago and Pacific," New York Times,
March 21, 1880
"May Purchase Chicago and Pacific RR," New York
Times, February 1, 1880
of St Paul Bonds," New York Times, January 27,
Paul Election Question of Receivership," New York
Times, June 6, 1876
"David Hughes, Milw & Northern Bond Problems'" New
York Times, March 19, 1876
Milwaukee & Northern Russell Sage," New York Times,
March 17, 1876
Milwaukee Road Track
Profiles |