Billing charges, Anderson to McGinn, 12/27/1965
Letter, Anderson to Quinn, 12/31/1965
Letter, Dugan to Quinn, 1/24/1966, profitability of the Port Townsend RR.
Letter, Kratochwill to Crippen, appraisal value of PTRR, 2/7/1966
Letter, Crippen to Quinn, 2/09/1966, agrees with Kratochwill valuation
RG Scott, action plan to evaluate acquisition, 03/23/1966
Report, Scott to Quinn, feasibility of Port Angeles barge slip, compare Foss vs. Lee barge costs, 05/12/1966
Revenue History of Port Townsend RR, May, 1966
Letter, Scott to McGinn and Anderson, re: acquisition of Port Angeles barge slip. 06/12/1966
Estimate of Salvage Value of line, 6/17/1966
Letter, Kratochwill to Crippen, 06/20/66, recommendations
Letter, Scott to Quinn, 08/12/1966, leveraging the owners of the PTRR by cutting them out of division of rates at Port Townsend barge slip
Blueprint for Barge Slip at Port Angeles
"Milwaukee Road Acquires Port Townsend Railroad," Milwaukee Road Magazine, June, 1975