"The Investor Pays," by Max Lowenthal, 1933
John T. Flynn, "Graft in Business," (New York: The
Vanguard Press, 1931)
Arthur M. Borak, The Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul Railroad: Recent History of the Last Transcontinental,"
Journal of Business and Economic History, November, 1930. Arthur Borak, original
PhD Thesis
"The Milwaukee Holds Its
Gains," Railway Age,
November 16, 1929
"Investigation of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co.,"
January 4, 1928, 131 I.C.C. 615
Final Report of Receivers and Petition for Discharge,
February 13, 1928
Robert T. Swain, "Reorganization
of Corporations: Certain Developments of the Last Decade,"
Columbia Law Review, Vol. 27, No. 8 (Dec., 1927), pp. 901-931
News Clippings, 1900-1926
"Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway Age,
February, 1927
"Who Bought the St. Paul?,"
Journal of Commerce and Finance,
January 26, 1927
Rates for Carriers, March 31, 1925, Senate Commerce Committee
Rates for Carriers, March 19, 25, 31, 1926, Senate Commerce
Committee Hearing
Statement of H. E. Byram, President, CM&St.P. to the ICC, December
1, 1925
Railway Age,
"The Great Northern Compared to Other Roads," August 8, 1925
"Has been
unable to overcome effects of low
rates and slow increase in traffic ...".
Comments by F.J. Lisman
replying to comments on the Receivership,
New York Evening Post,
May 7, 1925
Benjamin Graham, "Reorganizing of the St.
Paul," The Magazine of Wall Street,
April 11, 1925
Railway Age,
"The St. Paul Receivership," March 25, 1925
Coverdale &
Colpitts Consulting Engineers Report, May 1925
City Bank Report on the St. Paul, 1923
Struthers & Co., Report on the St. Paul, April 15, 1922