Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company


Milwaukee Road Poems, David Dale, MA Thesis UM, 1991.

Milwaukee Operating Divisions 1977

MILW Inspection Trip on Lines West, December, 1976

Corporate Organizational Chart, September 3, 1976

1975 Statistical Report  [Milt Clark Collection]

Evaluation of Mainline Track, Bensenville to Tacoma, April 16-29, 1974 [Milt Clark Collection]

Joint MILW/BN Inspection Trip August/September 1973

1973 General Labor Agreement

"Futures Plus with Modern Railroading," Milwaukee Road Careers, 1970

"The Yard that Teamwork Built," Railway Age, September 29, 1969, (Kent Auto Facility)

Welcome to the Milwaukee Road [January, 1969]

"Milwaukee Road Buys Washington Property," Seattle Times, October 20, 1968 [Kent Auto Facility].

Look What's Happened to PiggyBack Service! [1966]

"How Milwaukee's New Train Speeds Freight,"  Railway Age Nov 25, 1963

1963 Merger Committee Report [Milt Clark Collection]

1961, February, Milwaukee Road Herald Instructions, [Milt Clark Collection]

"Your Job is in Jeopardy: Rail Progress Threatened, Teamsters Want Congress to Halt Growing Piggyback," Association of Western Railroads, ca. 1962.

Capacity for 15 More Trains, Railway Age, November 31, 1958: Omaha Line CTC

"Welcome Aboard," Time Magazine, July 2, 1956

"Rock Island Has Improved Status," Financial World, July, 1952

Herbert Wyeth, "Railroads," Financial World, July, 1952

Joseph C. O'Hearn, "The Winter of '36: Division superintendent relates how the Milwaukee Road fought heavy snows in subzero cold," Trains, December, 1944



Bankruptcy, 1977

Milwaukee Land
Port Townsend Ry
 Acquisition, 1975

Receivership, 1935

Annual Reports
Milwaukee Road Magazine
Corporate Acquisition History
Economic Studies
ICC and Litigation
Milwaukee Ski Bowl
Photo Archive


H. Roger Grant, "Seeking the Pacific: the Chicago & North Western's Plans to Reach the West Coast," Pacific Northwest Quarterly,  April, 1990  [password needed, copyright]

Itothe Phucher, "The Puget Sound and Inland Empire Railway -- the Cascade Tunnel Route," A. Harriman Publishers, Seattle, 1925
